Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Irish economy is heading towards a bright future

The economy is heading towards a bright future with real economic growth averaging 3.75% annually over the next decade, the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) forecasts in its Medium-Term Review 2008-2015. Looking further ahead, the ESRI foresees that Ireland will continue to outperform its European neighbours in the growth race in the years to 2025. As a result, income per head of population in Ireland is projected to come close to 120% of the EU15 average in the years 2020- 2025. While the economy is set to stutter this year and next, the ESRI foresees a strong economic rebound in 2010, when economic growth is forecast to exceed 5%.


At 4:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, a very bright future if you happen to work in a dole office.

At 6:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amazing..isn't it? ESRI's ability to forecast economic conditions in the distant year 2025, while lacking any visibility for 2010. A reassessment of economic models might be in order.

Or perhaps it was merely careless typographical error predicting a 2010 economic rebound, in which "rebound" should have read "bailout".

At 9:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha,really ? it's ok the Brits will bail you out.


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